The Golden Glass

Coursework: Branding / UX UI Design / Web Design / Illustration



I created a cocktail-based brand out of Las Vegas called the Golden Glass. I designed around a person named Sebastian who was from Las Vegas and loved cocktails. Based on Sebastian's preferences, I designed a deck of cocktail playing cards with recipes on them, and with that I designed a mixology box company that is similar to HelloFresh, but for cocktails! 



This original moodboard below was what I wanted my original branding to look like. I knew I wanted some sort of illustration of cocktails on my cards, and a cool pattern on the back of the cards. I also knew an old fashioned casino look was what I wanted "The Golden Glass" to look like. 


I went through three different iterations of comps for these cards, and from start to finish the cards ended up very different than where they started! I decided from the beginning that I wanted the back of the cards to have some sort of cocktail feel to them, so I created a martini glass pattern to put on the back and kept it through the entire process!

Final Cards & Poker Chips


Part 2: Digital

After creating the cards, I decided I wanted to take my project to the next level and create something around "The Golden Glass" brand that could be purchased by consumers. That is when I created "The Golden Glass" mixology box, and designed a website and app to go with it. I wanted it to mirror something similar of "HelloFresh", a food box company but I wanted this to have a unique flare to it with the cocktail aspect.

The Golden Glass Website

Social Media Marketing

Email Marketing




Essentials Paper Towels