Art Museum Guidebook

Coursework: Book Design / Typography / Layout / Art History



Ever since I was little, I have always had a fascination with art and art museums. I wanted to create a book that had such meaning to me and my heart. So, I created a guidebook about different art museums all over the world. I wanted the readers of this book to get a grasp of these art museums through my eyes, and why I believe these museums and the art that are held inside are so beautiful. 



Final Spreads


Book Cover

Each museum has an opening spread of a big picture of the front with the name & location of the museum.

Page of the history behind the museums, with a picture of the inside of the museum to the right

Each museum has three dedicated pieces of work in this book. This is an example of one from the Met in New York.

Book Design in Context

View pages 1-30 here:


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