The Field Museum Rebrand

Coursework: Branding / Logo / Environmental / Merch Design / Advertising



Out of all of the museums in the country, I thought the Field Museum had so much potential to be such an amazing flexible brand. With exhibits ranging from Dinosaurs to evolution, the brand and logo should be moldable to each of these topics the museum covers, while still maintaining that classic Field Museum feel to it. The Field Museum rebranded in 2018, however I really do not think the new logo emphasizes what the Field Museum stands for or represents. I feel like a flexible brand would be great for this museum and would tell its story just by looking at the logo.

Original Branding



To start out this process, I created three moodboards for a type of direction to choose from. I ended up going with the third moodboard, because I thought it was the most unique and emphasized the "education for all" aspect I was going for while recreating this rebrand for the museum. Once I chose this moodboard to go with, I got started with the process of designing!


After narrowing down my moodboard, I decided on a logo. I designed eight different logos, and ended up choosing the one that believed could be the most flexible. I wanted the bright colors in the logo to be interchangeable, to let each logo have its own look and feel to it. 


I wanted iconography of animals in that "kaleidoscope" shape and to have photos that have a color overlay on them to keep the brand colorful and consistent. Depending on what exhibits are happening at the time, the main "icon" of that exhibit will look like this and change throughout each exhibit but maintain that same consistent shape 
Screen Shot 2021-09-20 at 7.23.35 PM.png




View the brand book here:


Washington Founders